After a bit of last minute rushing around between the North West 200 and the TT, as alluded to yesterday, both bikes are sporting some super sexy new graphics; I don’t know about you, but I think they both look mega smart.
And now the cat’s out the bag with regards to graphics, I can let you all know about or latest sponsor, who’s stepped in and saved the day by getting on board for the Superbike, Superstock and Senior TT races. FlyaSpitfire.com are a company based at Biggin Hill who operate two-seater Spitfires, that anyone can book a ride in. In fact they’ve got the biggest collection of Spitfires in the world. It doesn’t get much cooler that that does is? It really is a privilege to be working with FlyaSpitfire.com on this TT project, firstly because of the fact that the Spitfire is probably the most iconic aircraft that has ever existed, but secondly because my great-grandad flew one in the 40s; I never met Flight Lieutenant Eddie Alexander, but I bet he was top bloke!

The bike looks great in the FlyaSpitfire.com colours, so I can’t wait to take it for a blast tomorrow.
The Triumph looks like a bit of a babe too, in it’s Hawaiian Brian inspired colour scheme. Surf Bar, our title sponsor for the Supersport class, is a Hawaiian themed bar in Hull, so we gave the guys at MW Graphics the Hawaiian Brian print, and told them to do their best… and this is what they came up with. Isn’t she a dreamboat?

As well as wheeling the bikes up to pitlane for some photos in the glorious Manx sunshine, we’ve had quite a busy day of clothing checks, signing on and briefings. It’s obviously been a while since the TT last happened and there are a few changes to the rules (and the circuit – mainly bits of resurfacing) that the organisers needed to make us aware of.
It’ll be early to bed tonight, as tomorrow (Sunday) will be our first opportunity to get out on the mountain course, in anger. The plan will be to try and get a couple of laps in on the Kawasaki, and then if possible one or two on the Triumph. If the sun is shining as brightly tomorrow as it has been today, we’re in for a good one!
Let’s ‘ave it!